Page 68 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 68

                         Schweizer Nationalkomitee für FEANI
Year of Adhesion : 1951
Declared engineers: 127 000
Number of EUR INGs: 885
Member associations: The engineers of Switzerland are jointly represented in FEANI by the two largest and oldest professional associations in engineering and architecture: the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects SIA and Swiss Engineering STV. With
a combined membership of 27’000 individuals and 2’500 companies, the interests of engineering and architecture professionals are represented with a strong voice in the public arena as well as in political discussions, while offering pertinent membership services, a strong network for professional relationships and continued career development opportunities.
Selnaustr. 16 Postfach - CH-8027 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 283 15 15 - Fax: +4144 283 15 16 -
    Engagement around FEANI
The Swiss FEANI Committee (NK CH) is composed of SIA and SwissEngineering. In terms of personnel changes; as of January 2018, Mr. Hannes Treier is the newly elected president of NK-CH.
The following people were delegated to FEANI Task Forces and activities to help in shaping FEANI’s future:
• Mr. Hannes Treier to the TF of the Status of Professional Engineers
• Mr. Stefan Arquint to the TF on Strategy
• Mr. Patrick Thalparpan as member of the European Moni- toring Committee (EMC)
• Dr. J.-Martin Hohberg regarding Common Training Frame- work (CTF) activities
Domestic Networking
Triggered by the CTP/CTF/CTT survey, we traced back the two Swiss opinions given in the ECEC report and established a closer rapport with the State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation (SBFI). We also inten- si ed the link to the Swiss Register (REG), which like NK-CH is sponsored by SIA and SwissEngineering. It became apparent that for SBFI (as a government body), a privately awarded professional title like EUR ING is not regarded as evidence for automatic recognition, in contrast to the REG as a licensed registrar. However, we might successfully promote the FEANI INDEX (now EEED) as a  rst base of reference for assessing foreign curricula by the REG.
As a national committee there was a shift in focus from furthering mobility of engineers to one of engagement within the social landscape through more cooperation with industry as well as mutual projects amongst the national members. The overarching goal agreed upon was that of

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