Page 12 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 12

Chair of the EMC, Mr. Lars FUNK
The number of awarded EUR-ING titles as well as the number of issued engineering cards are rising: This is the most important news from EMC and it means that the downward trend of the last years has been stopped and reversed. With regard to this, EMC has been running a couple of activities. Some of them are completed success- fully so far.
EMC contributed to the new European Engineering Education Database EEED (former FEANI-INDEX) which was launched in autumn 2018. The development and implementation of this new database means a big step in terms of usability, correctness of data, completeness of data, etc. It is a big asset for FEANI to hold this database which is unique in Europe. Now it is up to the NMCs to maintain their data accordingly, which will be monitored by EMC continuously.
Since spring 2018, the new e-application tool for EUR-ING applications is online. This new tool is much more user- friendly for applicants as well as for NMCs, EMC and the FEANI secretariat. It is used by 20% of the overall candi- dates and shortens the time from application to awarding of the title signi cantly.
EMC is working on a concept for bringing the EUR ING and the Engineering Card together. It has come up with a number of ideas, elements and stakeholders to be considered. Input from other organizations and in particular students and young engineers was considered. A joint WG with BEST has been set up to re ect on a proposal for a future-proof concept.
The paper “Professional Status of an Engineer” was published after approval by the FEANI Board. It contains eight concrete recommendations for action for FEANI and its members. One of them, which re ects to the liaison with political stakeholders, was presented to the National Members Forum.
Following up on an initiative from the Georg Agricola University in DE-Bochum, a speci c cooperation agreement was developed. This foresees that graduates, from their extra-occupational Master degrees in the  elds of Mechanical, Electrical and Mining engineering, with parallel work experience in industry and following a respective Bachelor degree at the university, are automat- ically eligible for the EUR ING title. This remains subject to NMC and EMC review of their professional experience. Such a cooperation could be considered as pilot for other universities and countries with the same programme type.
In the context of Engineers Europe, EMC started a fruitful dialogue with CESAER (conference of European schools for advanced engineering education and research) about future skills of engineers and its meaning for engineering education. This dialogue will be continued in the following months.

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