Page 8 - Annual report 2019
P. 8
President Prof. José VIEIRA
In March 2018 a Working Group was formed whose main
objective was to mobilise the FEANI National Members to
embrace and support the SDGs and by doing so to advance
the sustainable development agenda within the FEANI
network. One result of the work of this Working Group was
the drafting of the FEANI Declaration on SDGs that was
approved at the General Assembly in Valletta, Malta, in
October 2018.
As the voice of engineers in Europe, we have worked
to promote effective international cooperation in mutual
recognition of engineering education and capacity building
standards with other similar international federations. We
believe that with these initiatives, we make a great contri-
n FEANI we are very concerned and committed to under- bution to provide global networking opportunities for
Istand the societal needs and the role of the engineer as members to communicate and facilitate the implementation
a professional with the technical skills and ethical courage of common projects in the field of professional development
to solve the great problems facing the planet for the benefit
of humanity and protect the environment. Clearly society is
facing new threats and challenges: growing need for alter-
native clean energy sources, food and fresh water shortages
that are prevalent in many regions of the world, and growing
concerns for the environment.
We believe that future technical solutions alone are not
enough to meet business and societal needs and engineers
must take leadership roles not only on technical projects but
also in society at large. This type of concern materialized, in
this period, in the launching of several actions, of which the
commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Developing
Goals (SDGs) and the signing of memoranda of under-
standing with federations from three continents: America,
Africa and Asia-Pacific can be highlighted.
“Memorandum of Understanding FEANI-UPADI”, 25 July 2019, Mrs Teresa PINO and Mr José