Page 52 - Annual report 2019
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2018 FEANI Central European Group Meeting their energy from their environment. The range of applica-
On 31 August 2018 KIVI hosted the Central European Group tions is huge: from the Internet of Things to the health-care
for the annual meeting. It was a nice and fruitful meeting sector, where batteries can be used in pacemakers that can
with lively discussions, for example about the initiatives the be charged by the movement of the heart itself, for example.
organisations are taking in the field of sustainability and In 2019 the Prince Friso Engineer Prize was awarded to Maja
in attracting young engineers. An interesting visit to the Rudinac, as the driving force behind service robot Lea (Lean
Science Center Delft was a part of the additional program. Empowering Assistant), that helps vulnerable people retain
and regain their freedom of movement and independence.
Annual theme: Circular Economy Both Nima and Maja received the award in the presence
KIVI launched the “Circular Education Deal”, to stimulate to Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel.
get the circular economy “bottom up” integrated in education.
The annual conference, held on 19 November 2018 at Saxion The Online Professional Development Tool
Hogeschool in Enschede, was a success. It turned out that The Online Professional Development (OPD) tool provides a
the annual theme “Circular Economy” is of particular interest system that supports engineers in their daily working life
to the younger engineers and entrepreneurs. Various while providing a structure for professional development.
companies showed that the circular economy is not just This results in a collection of experiences and professional
talking, but that it is a contemporary commercially attractive competence over time which can be exported for multiple
way of working. uses. The OPD became online available for all KIVI members.
This tool is highly appreciated and it also turns out to be
KIVI-Chair ‘’Energy in Transition’’ interesting for companies and universities. It has already led
The KIVI chairs have been established to make a connection to several so-called collective memberships of KIVI.
between scientific research and professionals in the business
world. KIVI already had three chairs: Big Data Science, Changes in the KIVI organisation
Architecture in Health and Dynamics Based Maintenance. At the KIVI General Assembly of June 2019, the first female
The implementation and acceptance of new technology president in KIVI history Ms. ir. Joanne Meyboom-Fernhout
in the existing housing stock is a major global challenge. was elected president. Joanne studied mining engineering at
Therefore KIVI awarded the designation “KIVI Chair” in 2018 Technical University of Delft. She works as managing director
to the Energy in Transition research group at The Hague Siemens Smart Infrastructure and is a member of the board
University of Applied Sciences. Sander Mertens has of Siemens Netherlands. Together with the executive board
been appointed as lecturer. The professorship focuses on of KIVI she works on a new strategy for the future of KIVI
linking knowledge about various energy systems, sustain- and a reorganisation of the KIVI office.
ability, environmental impact, economy and autonomy to be
able to make the next step in the transition to renewable
energy sources in the residential and working environment.
Prins Friso Engineering Prize
During the yearly organised Engineers’ Day, KIVI awards
the annual Prince Friso Engineering Prize for the engineer
that distinguishes himself/herself in terms of expertise,
innovative capability, social impact and entrepreneurship. In
2018 it was awarded to Nima Tolou, for developing battery-
free sensors and other microwatt devices that can derive