Page 55 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 55

  from 15 countries, Brasov was among the 12  nalists of the competition.
At central level, The Professional Intergenerational Cooperation and Mentoring Project - ProMe, Ambient Assisted Living Program, continued with partners from Austria, the Netherlands, the UK and Belgium.
In order to promote and appreciate some outstanding achievements of civic involvement in the work of AGIR, diplomas and medals were awarded to engineering person- alities, research institutions and students, including on the occasion of technical-scienti c events. The Association carried out the campaign "Books for Children and Young People from the Republic of Moldova", through which more than 10 000 books of literature were distributed in schools and gymnasiums in Moldova, works of methodical and didactic character, attractive and useful for young people, technical and scienti c.
The "Petru Ghenghea" Engineers' Orchestra celebrated 60 years of artistic activity in 2016.
Over the past two years, the AGIR Publishing House has published around 100 book titles, as well as the continuation of printing from previous works, magazines and period- icals. The newspaper of the Association, the Engineering Universe, approached new themes and deepened some existing ones, such as: adapting technical and vocational education to the requirements of the labor market; broader and systematic re ection of the actions initiated by the subsidiary and branches focusing on increasing the involvement of engineers in solving problems of both local and national interest. The events organized by the AGIR branches, societies and circles has enabled a better under- standing of the rich and interesting activity in the territory, and a number of members' correspondence has stimulated the involvement of more AGIR members in enriching the content and media outlets of readers.
AGIR Awards

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