Page 48 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 48

                         Norwegian National Committee for FEANI
Year of Adhesion : 1965
Declared engineers: 134 000
Number of EUR INGs: 196
Member associations: The two Norwegian Engineers organizations, Tekna (The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scienti c Professionals) and NITO (Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists) are both recognized by the national authorities. This means that both organizations are represented various of cial bodies, among them the Council of Engineering Education, and other of cial bodies concerned with engineering matters.
PO Box 2312 Solli - NO-0201 OSLO
Tel: +47 22 94 75 00,
    Election 2017
A national election took place in September 2017 and some of the main issues discussed prior to the election were of high relevance to Norwegian engineers. Topics as national economy due to lower oil and gas prices and production are frequently discussed. Also the unemployment rate and efforts to contribute to get engineers back into production or transferring highly skilled competence into other bene cial areas. Major issues as national security and how well Norway is prepared for digitalization, both compe- tence wise and also utilizing the political means to both be prepared and bene t this transformation. Both Tekna and NITO are using their political forces to get visibility and accept for these cases on behalf of the Norwegian engineers.
Unemployment and status of the engineer in Norway
Due to decreasing oil prices and reduced activity on the Norwegian shelf, around 50 000 jobs have been reduced in the oil and gas sector. This sector has been a driving force for Norwegian engineers and for technology devel- opment in different sectors. This situation has hit our engineers hard, especially in the western part of the country. It seems now that the situation is improving, the investment and activity in the sector is increasing. The number of unemployed engineers are decreasing – some of them get new jobs within the oil and gas industry and others are using their skills and competence in other sectors. We will continue working hard to get unemployed engineers back to work because our biggest concern for the time being is the increasing percentage of long term unemployed engineers.

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