Page 59 - Annual Report 2014-2015
P. 59

  Vocational training is a major concern for AGIR, so we can mention the training courses organized by the Technical Experts Settlement and Consultants Society.
The Participation in invention fairs both at home and abroad is exempli ed by members of branches Dolj, Galati, Iasi, Maramures, Suceava and Textile Engineer Society.
Among other events held, we also mention book launches by AGIR members from Bucharest, Dolj branch, Telecommunications Engineers Society, Textile Engineer Society.
For the purpose of advancing the association activity AGIR has promoted local action on TV or radio, and our members published scholarly articles in magazines or newspapers at home and abroad, especially from our local groups Bihor, Dolj, Galati, Suceava and Military Engineers Society.
On the central level, AGIR continued its project SAFENET "Research for predicting and improving the ef ciency of failsafe networks urban traf c" and the "Professional Intergenerational Cooperation and Mentoring - ProMe", from Ambient Assisted Living Program, with
partners from Austria, Netherlands, UK and Belgium.
Our collaboration with universities, schools, colleges, local government, prefectures, municipalities, territorial labor inspectorate, school inspectorates and NGOs also played a central role on the agenda AGIR.
AGIR’s popularization in academia and the mobilization of students in their last year of study to join our association is an ongoing effort in all our branches.
For promotion and appreciation of outstanding achieve- ments, the association has awarded diplomas and medals to important engineers, research institutions and students on the occasion of technical and scienti c events or for special involvement in association activities.
We have been encouraging the involvement of our branches in publishing activities and enriching the library book fund both through acquisition and through donations. AGIR initiated Books for children and young people in Moldova 2015 campaign. To support this campaign the association has purchased a total of 400 volumes that were added up a total number of 2500 volumes which were distributed in schools and gymnasiums in Moldova.
The activity aimed at information-system management and communications was expanded. Wishing to be more involved in the activity of its members, AGIR initiated "the weekly newsletter" where are advertised events nationwide for the upcoming week, published along the editor’s note. We commu- nicate in this way the activity program to AGIR branches thus allowing a more rigorous pursuit of the programmed actions. Events are published in the “Engineering Universe” and announced through postings on AGIR's site and Facebook.
It was recently proposed and approved by the Directory Council for each local branch to have its own website, to promote existing members, to attract new members, to publish information and news of local interest.
We highlight in particular the activity of the LiteraryEng Circle, Epigrammatists Engineers Circle, VisionarEng Circle, Concertino Choir and also Engineers Orchestra "Petru Ghenghea", an emblem of the engineering art, whose concert halls were always crowded.
AGIR appreciate its members who, through their involvement in organizing events and further work, increase the visibility of the association. 

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