Page 34 - Annual Report 2014-2015
P. 34

                         Insinöörijärjestöjen kansallinen komitea (KANSKO)
Year of Adhesion : 1960
Declared engineers: 77 649
Number of EUR INGs: 690
Member associations: The Finish National Committee gather 4 other Member Associatrions that are independently registered: Driftingenjörsförbundet i Finland rf, Uusi Insinööriliitto UIL ry, Tekniikan Akateemiset TEK, Tekniska Föreningen i Finland rf. Uusi Insinööriliitto UIL - Ratavartijankatu 2 - FIN-00520 Helsinki
Tel: + 358 201 801 801 - Fax: + 358 201 801 820 hannu.saarikangas@ilry. 
    The Finnish National Committee for FEANI (SFNC) has representation of four Finnish engineering organizations: Union of Professional Engineers in Finland, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK, Tekniska Föreningen i Finland and Driftingenjörsförbundet i Finland DIFF. The SFNC Board met four times, in addition to this an annual Degree Committee meeting was organised. These organizations represent a majority of engineers with bachelor, master or doctoral level education in Finland, two of them represent particularly the Swedish speaking engineers in Finland.
The SFNC Board followed the development of the EU Common Training Framework initiative and its implications on the engineering profession. The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre, which is authorised to award EURACE labels, gave a presentation the status of EUR ACE accredi- tation of engineering programs in Finland to the Board. Accreditations university programs aren’t yet common in Finland.
The Committee was involved in the preparation of the Northern countries initiative of strategic focus areas for FEANI, which was presented in the AMBs of Lisbon. The Committee members are involved in the collaboration
between the Nordic engineering organizations: guest membership agreement was a updated.
SFNC representative Saarikangas was involved in the work of the EMC and Taukojärvi in the NMF meetings, both of them have represented the committee in the Annual Business Meetings. 

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