Page 28 - Annual Report 2014-2015
P. 28

                         Ingeniorforeningen i Danmark (IDA)
Year of Adhesion : 1960
Declared engineers: 83 000
Number of EUR INGs: 350
Member associations: The Ministry of Education has an Advisory Committee covering all polytechnic and non-university education where IDA is represented and offers advice on short cycle engineering degrees.
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, - DK-1780 København V Tel: + 45 33 18 48 48 - Fax: + 45 33 18 48 88
    The main IDA Vision and Strategy are de ning four central working areas:
1. A clear identity as engineer and for IDA
2. Globalization of the Engineering Profession and Labor
3. In uence on science and technology
4. Core Business for the members of IDA: Extended service
and professional networking.
Making it attractive to become an engineer
IDA has the vision that by 2020 there is a new “storytelling” about engineers containing an identity that is able to deliver a professional pride and making it attractive to become an engineer.
IDA is a founding partner in the organization Engineer the Future which is cooperation between organiza- tions, engineering institutions, technical universities and companies primarily within industry. The organization consists currently of 47 partners who all contribute to describing the engineering profession and how engineers are working within the wide range of different engineering  elds. Before young people must take their choice of study
the partners in Engineer the Future make coordinated campaigns to inform them of the professional and personal opportunities in becoming an engineer.
The employment of engineers in Denmark
The number of unemployed engineers in Denmark continues to decrease. The latest statistic shows that the general unemployment for every engineering specialization is less than 2%. IDA is actively contributing to an active labor market policy for engineers and scientists in order to ensure that Danish engineers and international engineers working

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