Page 24 - Annual Report 2014-2015
P. 24

 Prof. Vjera Krstelj PhD, the President of Croatian Engineering Association, emphasized in her Welcome Greetings and opening speech the importance of promotion and strength- ening the role of engineers and their much needed contribution in strategic decisions, particularly in technological aspects for the sustainable development. Also stressing the need of the international cooperation she informed about the FEANI – HIS cooperation, particularly in facilitating the mobility asserting and developing the professional identity of engineers in Europe
The National Engineering Day brings together engineering and science, universities and companies warning about the importance of engineers’ contribution but also of their social responsibility.
The Croatian Engineering Association was awarded with the Croatian Government Charter (Povelja Republike Hrvatske) which the President of Croatia Ivo Josipović handed over to the President Prof. dr. Vjera Krstelj on February 9th, 2015, acknowledging thus our endeavours in promotion, development and protection of engineering professions, the exceptional in uence in sustainable development, and
not least our capacity in building relationships and bringing together experts for interdisciplinary cooperations.
For us the af rmative governmental support is very important for the future activities, since we as engineers have a lot of activities that rely on legislative aspects. This kind of recog- nition is helpful in working with administration by showing that the Croatian Engineering Association is worthwhile of cooperation.
The permanent priority of the Croatian Engineering Association is the gathering and bringing together of engineers/engineering societies and organizations of different professions with the goal in promotion and better positioning of engineering professions. However, we are not entirely satis ed with our activities towards our young engineers. We intend to improve this in the future on the level of interdisciplinary and intersectorial cooperation.
Parallel to this general mission we will facilitate the mutual recognition of engineering quali cation in Europe and towards an harmonization/ uni cation of a conceptual scheme for professional competence and its educational foundation including formal, non-formal and informal learning.
It is obvious that FEANI plays the main role acting strate- gically in bringing together National Members helping in promoting of the mobility. FEANI could support the work on the approach criteria and framework for MRA on training of engineers and continuous development of their skills and abilities/certi cation schemes. This could be the extension of FEANI INDEX to non-formal learning for regulated and related professions. The Parties to the Agreement should be the FEANI members, National Engineering Associations. 

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